You’re Tired of Pretending to Fit in. But You Don’t Know How to Shake Off The Shackles & Consciously Create Love, Sex & Relationships That Sizzle. It’s Time You Met The Mindful Misfit

For free spirits who want revolutionary relationships that validate and celebrate their individuality, The Mindful Misfit rocks Transformational Life Coaching, Energy Healing & Hypnotherapy that will get you loving yourself so hard it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks


Banish Your Baggage & Create Red-Hot Love Without Spending the Next 20 Years in Therapy

Most of us go through life blindly accepting the factory defaults of what’s acceptable, polite and ‘done’ in our intimate relationships. Which is fine if you want a marriage, a mortgage and a slow ride to the mortuary…but that’s not for you, is it? The problem is, when you don’t give the time and energy to examining what you deeply desire around love, sex and relationships, you’ll accept any tired old, dull old offer that comes your way. And all these tired old, dull old, boring as batshit beliefs and experiences become overweight, oversized baggage that you’re schlepping around and tripping over. But how do you let all the bullshit baggage go and make space for red-hot love and smouldering sex? Enter The Mindful Misfit.

Supercharge Your Self-Esteem, Lickety-Split

Catharsis is great, but you know what’s even better? Not rehashing your problems endlessly in traditional therapy and getting nowhere. Using a unique blend of modern neuroscience, ancient energy wisdom & subconscious mind hacks, we can shift your energy, rewire your thoughts, and integrate your highest wisdom, reprogramming old beliefs and identities and healing the hurts that hold you back - fast. The result? Newfound freedom to be yourself and bang to your own beat, just by re-centering your energy and reclaiming your divine badassery.

Relax, Knowing What You Truly Desire isn’t Just Some Far-Out Fantasy, it’s Your Birthright

You didn't come here to shrink and hide, or to be a half-assed version of yourself, or to be someone else's ideal version of yourself. Somewhere along the line, you learned that shit. Now let’s help you unlearn it. True sexual self-esteem is more than confidence, it's bigger than emotional intelligence, it's greater than self-awareness. It's knowing how to use your body, your mind and your mind-body connection. It's the sweet spot where your thoughts, feelings and actions are aligned. It's coming home to that place where you know yourself completely, even if you've never been there before. And when you get there (and you will get there) you’ll know deep down who you are and what you stand for so strongly that you will stop giving a shit about other people's judgment. And the best part? You’ll stop judging yourself and start loving yourself the way you've always wanted to be loved.

You Don’t Have to be as Young and Skinny as You Think

You know all those size-nothing youngsters with their devil-may-care poise and skyscraper heels that you couldn’t possibly wear without falling flat on your deliciously big booty? The ones who spring instantly to mind when you hear the words ‘sexually-empowered woman’?

You don’t have to be one of them, or even remotely like them. Sexual-self-confidence is for everybody, every body and anyone at any age. There is no dress code, you can come as you are. It’s never too late to become who you’ve always wanted to be and to live your one life the way you were born to live it. You can be as quietly confident or as loud and ostentatious as you like. This is a choose-your-own-adventure, and the choice is always yours. The only question now is…what will you choose?

Shake Off The Shackles
in Just 6 Days

You’re tired of pretending to fit in. But you don’t know how to consciously create love, sex & relationships that sizzle. Take our 6-day challenge now to discover the top 6 ways to unleash your divine sexuality and start living the life of your wildest dreams. It’s free!